I have a knit green hat. I bought it at The Great And All-Powerful
Mustard Seed (in D.C.!) for about $7 many, many years ago. But I've never worn it out in public (truth be told, I only put it on for the purpose of this blogonarcissism/delinquency here) because I always felt I didn't have a hat face, or a hat head, or a hat style. (Maybe I was just worried about hat
hair.) Well, this year I decided will be different. I'm going to wear hats, because they're cute and they match lots of things, and my weird, irrational fear of them must be conquered. Plus, I recently looked at this particular hat's label and discovered that it's from a
very buzz-heavy hat company. Looks like 2010 will be the year of the hat.
Shirt: from my family, it has Russian embroidery, no idea where it came from originally; dress: H&M; four-buckle belt: H&M; black woolen tights: are black woolen tights.